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User Interview - Digital Workshop Cards (Miro and Figjam)

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This is the digital Miro and Figjam workshop version of my printable 43 User Interview Question Cards: ready to use online workshop boards (with "how to" guides) to save time when creating your interview guides, from warm up questions, to main and wrap up questions.

How to us it the workshop boards

  • As starting point to build your interview guides, on your own, or with your team, in a remote online workshop or meeting.
  • As teaching tools, to help your juniors, mentees or students get better at writing their own interview guides.

This resource contains:

  • A Miro workshop backup board (.rtb) with the 43 user interview question cards, and workshop instructions. Please note that you do need a paying Miro account in order to import that. (instructions to import in miro)
  • A Figjam workshop board (.jam) with the 43 user interview question cards and workshop instructions. (help to import in figjam)
  • The 43 cards, in PNG format, so that you can build your own workshops if you need to.

If you need to print the cards, check the printable version of those cards. Check my user interview guide template if you need helping writing your guide. And don't forget to check the user interview resources bundle if you want to get all my user interview resources at a special rate.

For more help with user interviews you can check the book and references section of my article.

Importing into Figma

Depending on your system, you can't just double click on the Figma files to import them. You need to go to your Figma, find the "import button". Check my small video if you need help with this.

Licence for the content:

  • You can use this content for your daily work or at school.
  • You can’t copy this content or reproduce it in any way. You are also not allowed to redistribute it on your own site, or any other site. If you use it to teach, you are also not allowed to redistribute it to your students.
  • You are NOT allowed to resell this content, or derivative products that directly copy this content (for example you can’t sell physical copies of the content)
You will get the following files:
  • JAM (3MB)
  • RTB (1MB)
  • PDF (3MB)
  • PDF (541KB)
  • ZIP (2MB)
  • PDF (227KB)

Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

1 year ago

Great work!

Useful toolkit.